About us
The Evecon team consists of experts in their field. Together, we want to contribute to the Baltic green revolution and we are looking for the best solutions for the development of new wind, storage, and solar parks. Most of all, we want to contribute to the creation of hybrid parks, because we believe that the era of monoparks is over. We value science-based and professional education highly. We support and contribute to the education of young people and educated professionals.
Most of our team comes from Saaremaa, Evecon’s birthplace. That is why we understand Estonian people’s love for Estonian nature and small towns and villages so strongly. It is important to our team that every community we come into contact with in the development of renewable energy parks feels good. We contribute to the development of communities and support young people in their hobbies and studies.
Marek Mägi
Aivar Mäemets
Shareholder /Board Member
New energy to communities
We are giving our utmost that our developments have as little effect as possible on communities and our renewable assets fit into surrounding environment.
We include local communities in planning process and try to meet their needs in every development. We are taking care that locals would benefit from production assets near their homes.
On top of producing clean energy, we are committed to contribute revenue sharing to local municipality budgets or community endeavours through non-profit organisations. With wind farms we will provide compensations for direct neighbours. Additionally, we are contributing 0.6% of our annual sales revenue to community development via local municipality